550 street Deals

South Australian police say they have seized the equivalent of 550 street deals of amphetamines in drug raids in the state's south-east.
Four arrests have been made after a number of searches over the past two days.
Police allege a total of $29,000 in cash was seized and 21 grams of amphetamines.

Adelaide airport

Customs Seized cocaine and methamphetamine, also known as ice, from a suitcase which arrived on a flight to Adelaide yesterday.
Three people aboard the flight were arrested.
A fourth man, allegedly carrying $24,000, was arrested later in Adelaide.
A further three people were arrested in Sydney after overnight police raids netted more illegal drugs, guns and steroids.

Child Pornography Australia

Police have arrested 31 men on child pornography charges in a large-scale Australiawide investigation since August, an officer said Thursday.
Police have arrested 24 men in the latest phase of their investigation -- 10 in New South Wales state, seven in Victoria state, three in Queensland state, three in Western Australia state and one in South Australia state, Australian Federal Police Acting National Manager of High Tech Crime Operations Kevin Zuccato said.
They are aged between 30 and 70, and include a teacher, a former police officer and a forensic psychologist, he said. Zuccato said at least one child had been identified as being at risk, and has been removed from harm.


The ALP's Shadow Attorney-General, Kelvin Thomson, has resigned after admitting he wrote a reference in 2000 for the fugitive crime figure, Tony Mokbel.

Tony Mokbel (update)

Tony Mokbel, who was arrested in Athens in June and continues to fight his extradition, still has secret sources of income that fund his legal team in Greece.Fourteen people were arrested across Melbourne overnight following the capture of fugitive crime boss Tony Mokbel in Greece.
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon said more than 120 police officers raided 22 properties across Victoria in the wake of Mokbel’s capture yesterday in Athens.
Fourteen people were arrested and nine were due to appear in Melbourne Magistrates’ Court today.
"These raids were connected with the arrest of Mokbel and are part of an operation called Magnum," she told reporters.
"A large amount of cash, drugs and firearms have been seized as a result of these raids
Detective Superintendent Richard Grant (crime strategy group) said that while the Mokbel syndicate had been smashed, splinter groups continue to operate.
"We would not say it has collapsed but it is collapsing. These people do not give up. They are very resilient. There is so much money to be made that they continue to operate even when they are under investigation," he said.
Detective Superintendent Grant said while work continued on preparing for a series of Mokbel-related court hearings, the taskforce was set to launch a series of fresh investigations into new targets. He said any future investigations would use the same methods developed by Purana and would involve other enforcement bodies, including the Australian Crime Commission and the Taxation Department. While taskforce policing was expensive and drains resources, Detective Superintendent Grant said a joint study by Victoria Police, the ACC and Macquarie University showed Purana more than paid its way.
The joint study found Purana Phase One — which investigated underworld murders — cost $11.3 million but returned $60.5 million. Detectives seized drugs valued at $300,000, proceeds of crime ($2.5 million) and closed five commercial amphetamine labs. The disruption of crime by the arrests of the major players is estimated to have saved $57.7 million.
"The closing of clandestine labs resulted in drugs not hitting the street and as a consequence there were substantial savings to the community and health services through harm avoided," he said. The study estimated the disruption of drug production for 12 months resulted in a return on investment of 536%. Detective Superintendent Grant said the State Government had committed $92 million over six years to fight organised crime and police had to provide a business model to show that the money was used efficiently.
Purana phase one was the highest priority investigation in Victoria and virtually monopolised the police electronic and physical surveillance capacity — bugging 500,000 telephone conversations, taping 53,000 hours of conversations with secret listening devices and conducting 22,000 hours of physical surveillance. As a result, 58 offenders were charged with 298 offences and six key underworld figures became prosecution witnesses.
cocaine smuggler Tony Mokbel is trying to get his Victorian murder and drug charges heard in Lebanon.
Australian officials have been lobbying the Greek and Lebanese governments in a bid to foil Mokbel's latest legal tactic.
They are trying to ensure Mokbel is extradited to Victoria to face two murder charges, 16 drug charges and two charges relating to conspiracy and attempting to pervert the course of justice.
Mokbel is accused of murdering underworld heavyweight Lewis Moran in 2004 and drug dealer Michael Marshall in 2003.
Details of Mokbel's new attempt to avoid being extradited to Australia may emerge during a court battle this week.
Mokbel, 42, is due in the Supreme Court in Athens today to appeal against a Greek court's July 26 decision to grant Australia's request to extradite him to Victoria.
Australian officials are confident Mokbel will be extradited to Australia rather than Lebanon but they will not know for sure if their intense lobbying has succeeded until Mokbel is on the plane to Melbourne.
Mokbel's lawyers expressed surprise yesterday Australia would try to convince Lebanon not to extradite him.
"I would like to know exactly what type of lobbying the Australians did," said Mokbel's Melbourne-based lawyer, Mirko Bagaric.
"The implication is they are offering Lebanon some form of inducement and making quite inappropriate requests of a sovereign country not to do what it is entitled to do.
"I hope that implication is wrong. Justice would be better served if Mokbel was tried in Lebanon."
If Mokbel's lawyers are able to get his charges heard in Lebanon he might never return to Australia.
Lebanon almost never allows the extradition of its citizens, and Mokbel is a Lebanese citizen.
He would serve any sentence imposed in Lebanon.
Mokbel's lawyers are believed to have argued to Lebanese authorities they should try Mokbel, as he would never get a fair trial in Australia.
Having the Victorian murder and drug charges heard in Lebanon would present a logistical and security nightmare for federal and Victorian police, as witnesses and prosecutors would probably need to be flown to Lebanon.
Some of the crucial witnesses against Mokbel are serving long jail terms in Victoria and authorities would be loath to allow them out of the country to testify.
They would have to rely on being able to convince Lebanese authorities to allow the unusual step of letting witnesses give evidence from Victoria by video link.
Mr Bagaric could not confirm if Lebanon had lodged an extradition request.
But Lebanon has already informed the international police agency, Interpol, it may apply to have Mokbel extradited to Lebanon.
Greece's Justice Minister would have the final say on whether Mokbel goes to Lebanon or Australia.
Mr Bagaric said he could not confirm or deny any of the legal strategies being used on Mokbel's behalf, as all litigants were entitled to keep such information to themselves.
But he said it would be a fairer and more desirable outcome if Mokbel's Victorian murder and drug charges were heard in Lebanon rather than Australia.
"All along we have asserted that due to the enormous prejudice in the community, fuelled by comments from the Government which demonised Tony, the prospect of getting 12 impartial jurors in Victoria to determine Mokbel's guilt or innocence is about zero," Mr Bagaric said.
"Everyone in Victoria believes that Mokbel is involved in organised crime. It is fanciful to assert to the contrary.
"If he returns to Victoria, due to the over-zealous comments by government officials he cannot get a fair trial."


Kurt D. Elias, 35, of Wellsburg, West Virginia.
According to the criminal complaint, Elias, using the screen name "lonelyman0707," initially approached the girl in an Internet chat room on January 23, 2007. The "girl" was actually an undercover agent from the Child Predator Unit who was using the online profile of a 13-year old child.
Corbett said that during their initial chat, Elias allegedly confirmed the girl's age and identified himself as a 35-year old man from southwestern Pennsylvania, stating that he was looking for someone "who isn't afraid to meet and cuddle with," adding that "it's risky with your age."
According to the criminal charges, Elias quickly turned the chat toward sexual topics and proposed a face-to-face meeting with the girl, asking if he could tie her up and describing the various sex acts he wished to perform. Later, Elias allegedly told the girl "we could be secret lovers" and added that "your first is going to be awesome."
Corbett said that immediately following their initial chat, Elias allegedly used a photo-sharing program to send three nude photographs to the child.
The criminal charges state that over the next several weeks Elias engaged in a series of chats with the child, repeatedly proposing that they meet and describing in graphic detail the sex acts he wished to perform with the girl.

3 billion Euros siezed

Police and Civil Guard authorities seized more than 3 billion euros in cash and properties in the more than 100 corruption and money laundering investigations that were underway last year, the Interior Ministry has reported. The total sum which is 50 times higher than property confiscated in 2005 would be able to finance the budgets of the municipalities of Barcelona, Valencia and Seville for one year, the Ministry said. In all, 589 people were arrested during these operations last year, while more than 100 were charged in relation with public corruption schemes. Hundreds of homes, 300 farms, 24 businesses, 686 vehicles, 133 pure-bred horses, 200 fighting bulls and one helicopter were among the items seized in 125 inquiries last year. The largest confiscation was held in Marbella in the Malaya case. The Ministry has decided to set up a special squad to deal specifically with local government corruption cases, given their recent increase.

Michael Williams, David Fain and Anna Marie Patterson , Charles Furline, Kimberly Stone, Nyoka Hensley, Regina Turner and William Stone.

Hensley says she sold Turner's Oxycontin for nearly $3,000, and that's where the fake bills came from.The Limestone County Sheriff's Department traced the bills back to one household in Athens.They say they found around 900 in bogus 20's. Five people living in that home were arrested. During the investigation the sheriff's department served search warrants at two other Athens homes. That lead to three drug arrests.
Michael Williams, David Fain and Anna Marie Patterson. During the investigation the sheriff's department served search warrants at two other Athens homes.

Open Air Drug Markets

The busts were part of a project called "Operation Christmas Cleanup," which included ABC detectives, High Point police, Alcohol Law Enforcement agents and Housing Authority units. During the bust, agents targeted 12 stores they called "open air drug markets" where residents had complained that people were buying and selling drugs while the property owners and clerks did nothing.
Undercover ALE agents tried to buy drugs in each of the parking lots on Dec. 14, in view of the store clerks when possible.
Eight arrests were made at five locations, which all will be reported to the ABC Commission.
The locations were:
l Pantry Shop #1 at 2700 Lexington Ave.
l Pantry Shop #2 at 2921 Kivett Drive
l East Green Grocery at 1924 E. Green Drive
l Daniel Brooks Town Store at 400 Henley St. and
l Terry's Discount Grocery at 1020 S. Main St.
High Point police officials said they also checked a convenience store on North Main Street that was a problem last year, with the parking lot full of cruisers and crowds socializing.
This year, there were only people pumping gasoline. Police said the difference can be attributed to the store's owner taking care of the parking lot.

20 mini subs move 9,000 pounds of coke each

Eight people were arrested for allegedly smuggling drugs into Galicia, although their home made invention was quite different than all other methods used. A home made submarine was used to smuggle drugs from ships at sea into the Galician coast line. The submarine was found by a Guardia Civil patrol. It had been abandoned in the Ría de Vigo with 4,400 litres of fuel in its tanks. The submarine was handmade and measured 11 metres long by two metres wide, with space for a 2 man crew. The vessel had three propellers and three motors, two of them electric, and was equipped with electronic communications equipment. There was also a sail so that the submarine could travel on the surface without using its engines. The arrests were made in Galicia, Madrid and Cataluña as well as in Estepona and La Línea. National Police officials said ample documentation related to the construction and operation of the submarine was found at the individuals’ homes. Investigations led to the arrests of the seven Spaniards and one Venezuelan
Drug traffickers are using a fleet of as many as 20 mini subs to move huge quantities of cocaine through the Caribbean, federal law enforcement and Coast Guard.
The cocaine vessels are often harder to detect than Russian submarines because of the way they skim the surface, officials say.
"The Russian submarine has a certain signal you can listen to underwater," said Coast Guard Adm. Joseph L. Nimmich, director of Joint Interagency Task Force South, based in Key West, Fla.The cocaine vessels give "very little signal," said the admiral, whose officers are testing a captured sub in order to adjust Coast Guard sensors.
In a report to be aired on "World News With Charles Gibson," officials showed off the recently captured vessel, a semi-submersible that carried 9,000 pounds of pure cocaine.
"They started out with four to five tons. The new ones are estimated to carry between 12 to 15 tons of narcotics," Adm. Nimmich said.
The vessels are able to travel up to 2,000 miles and evade U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships patrolling the waters between Colombia and the U.S. and Mexico.
U.S. officials say the cocaine trafficking groups actually assemble the vessels in the jungles of Colombia and then truck them to remote ports to be launched.

Dog Dogged

First Criminal Court in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico dismissed all criminal charges pending against Dog, Tim and Leland Chapman on the grounds that the statute of limitations had expired. However, Dog and his Posse are not in the clear quite yet. Although the cancellation of the warrant still stands, on August 1st, an appeal was filed by the prosecution to overturn the lower court's decision, rulings against the prosecution are generally appealed as a matter of principle. Chapman (family problems) said Tucker had been sent to prison at the age of 18 and served four years of a 20 year sentence for armed robbery before being released on parole.
"I tried to take control of his life (after this)," said Chapman, himself an ex-con. "I heard this girl was maybe not being the best for Tucker -- and I'll leave it like that -- so I tried to interfere. Honolulu-based Chapman, 54, who says he is a devout Christian, made no comment on reports that his son sold the tape for $15,000.Chapman, with his trademark scraggly long blond hair and leather wardrobe, rose to fame after his 2003 tracking and capture of Max Factor heir and serial rapist Andrew Luster in Mexico.

Patricia Anthony Drug House

Police won the seizure of Patricia Anthony's house at 1102 Ave. G and rooming house at 1607 Martin Luther King Jr. Way in Circuit Court and evicted Anthony on Dec. 21 with plans to tear down the two buildings where numerous drug arrests have been made over the years.A sign stating the city and Police Department have a zero tolerance policy on drug houses was erected in the front yard of the house on Avenue G.The city has seized three other houses in the Oakland area that were used in illegal activities. Two of the buildings burned before the city could demolish them.

21 year old English Women

21-year-old English woman has been caught with a small amount of cocaine on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, police said today.

Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle was charged with DUI in Moon Township, Pennsylvania after another driver complained to police that someone had been driving erratically and hit his vehicle in a restaurant parking lot. The driver reported Angle's license plate numbers. Angle's defense attorney Mike Santicola said the DUI charges had "no basis" and told reporters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that police had "no firsthand knowledge of him operating a vehicle" and "there's no evidence of his being intoxicated when he was operating that vehicle." If convicted, Angle could lose his license for one year.

Michelle Rodriguez

Michelle Rodriguez has posted a response on Rodriguez' official MySpace page about violating probation in her DUI case. "She will be fine," said the entry. "Just hours after this ruling [that Rodriguez will get six months in jail], she is as positive as ever," said the MySpace entry. According to the Los Angeles City Attorney's office, Rodriguez was sentenced to six months in jail after she reportedly failed to complete her community service sentence as part of her DUI probation, and consumed alcohol three times while wearing an alcohol monitoring ankle bracelet. Rodriguez is set to report to the Los Angeles County Jail on December 24.

Carlton Vines

Carlton Vines has been arrested for DUI after he reportedly left the scene of a crash. Vines's vehicle reportedly hit a pickup truck and then sped away. A witness called 911 to report the crash and identified Vines' plate numbers. Vines refused a blood test, but was arrested in his Trion, Georgia home later that day. He was released on $4,000 bail. This is Vines' second offense; in 2003, he pleaded no contest to DUI charges also.

Mickey Rourke

Mickey Rourke was arrested for DUI in Miami Beach. Rourke was driving his little green Vespa scooter and apparently did an illegal U-turn in front of a cop. Before Rourke's arrest, he and a female friend had been seen going into a bar at around 2 am and coming out about two hours later. Police reported that his face was flushed and his eyes were bloodshot, but he insisted that he didn't have "that much" to drink.

Robert Glen Carpenter

Robert Glen Carpenter, 37, pleaded not guilty to DUI after he was stopped and arrested at 12:30 a.m. for suspicion of DUI. Police found a beer can in his vehicle after stopping him for speeding. According to police reports, his blood alcohol content was reportedly .21, which is more than twice the legal limit of .08 in the state of Washington. He was released and stopped again at 2:44 a.m., when his blood alcohol content was reportedly .17.

John Ford

Tamara Mitchell-Ford, is currently locked up for repeat DUI offenses. John Ford was set to begin a 5 ½ year jail term for bribery on December 12, but a U.S. District Court judge recently granted a motion to postpone his incarceration until his ex-wife, Tamara Mitchell Ford, completes her one year DUI jail sentence. John Ford currently has custody of the couple's four children, who range in age from 2 to 15. Ford's next hearing is set for February 27.

Kirsten Storms

Kirsten Storms of the soap opera General Hospital has pleaded no contest to DUI as part of a plea deal. Storms was arrested in September for DUI after she was stopped for littering. Storms was not present in the Los Angeles-area courtroom when her attorney entered the plea. Storms will pay more than $1,500 in fines, receive three years probation, and attend 12 AA meetings Her license will be suspended for six months.

Kumar Barve

Kumar Barve. Gaithersburg police arrested Barve after he exited a parking lot through a gate marked "entrance only." The lawmaker admitted to having two drinks and was reportedly found to have a blood alcohol content of .10, which is above the legal limit in Maryland of .08. He was charged with DUI, driving while impaired, failure to obey a traffic device, and failure to drive right of the center line. Barve sponsored the DUI bill that changed the legal drinking limit from .10 to .08.

Vivica A. Fox

Vivica A. Fox has taken a DUI plea deal and pleaded no contest in a Van Nuys, California courtroom for her March DUI arrest. Fox was arrested for speeding on a Los Angeles, California freeway when a state police officer noticed that the actress was reportedly intoxicated. Fox has been ordered to enter an alcohol education program for 90 days and was sentenced to three years probation

Ray Liotta

The Boston Herald and other news sources have reported that actor Ray Liotta has taken a DUI plea deal in a Los Angeles Superior Court. Liotta was arrested for DUI last February in Los Angeles after he plowed his SUV into several parked cars. Although preliminary police reports indicated that the substance in question was reportedly not alcohol, Liotta will enroll in alcohol education classes and pay off his victims. He was sentenced to three years probation. Liotta's attorney reportedly told the court that Liotta had "unexpected drowsiness" from prescription medication interactions.

Scott Weiland

Scott Weiland of the Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver was charged this week with driving under the influence of drugs after a car crash in late November. He reportedly refused blood and urine tests. Weiland, who was charged with a DUI in 2004, could be jailed for up to eight days if he is convicted of a second offense. He was released on $40,000 bond. Weiland has had many drug-related legal run-ins and served five months in jail in 1999 for possession of heroin.

April Nieto, Carol Lee. Crack Driving

April Nieto, 36, of Lemoore, was pulled over at 12:45 a.m. Friday near the intersection of 5-1/2 Avenue.She and her passenger, Carol Lee, 53, of Porterville, were found to be under the influence of a controlled substance and arrested at the scene.Nieto was found in possession of 1.3 grams of crack cocaine, police allege. She was transported to the Kings County Jail and charged with possession, transportation and being under the influence of a controlled substance.Lee was held for six hours and released with a citation for being under the influence of a controlled substance.

James W Chapman

James W. Chapman, 47, 3913 Saratoga Ave., Downers Grove, was stopped by an officer about 10 a.m. while driving near 26th Street and Morgan Avenue after a vehicle registration check found he was wanted for burglary in Cook County and was driving on a suspended license.

Jonathan Ricardo Henry

Jonathan Ricardo Henry, 20, is wanted for six charges including assault with a weapon and threatening death. He’s described as black, six-foot-one, about 220 pounds with a muscular build and short hair.Two people got on an elevator in a building near Birchmount Rd. and Eglinton Ave., and a fight broke out Thursday morning, Toronto police said. A man then pulled out a gun during the fight, and threatened to kill the other person.

Airat Ashake Ada

Ibadan, Nigeria, A man was arrested with 166 grammes of cocaine in his anus at lagos Airport. The other, a 35-year-old woman, whose name was given as Airat Ashake Alade, was also arrested. A Lebanese and four Nigerians with over $10m were also arrested as they attempted to board the Emirates aircraft at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos.

Pvt.Byron Fouty, Spc.Alex Jimenez

Two men suspected in an attack that killed five U.S. soldiers and left two missing more than seven months ago have been arrested.The men were arrested in Ramadi, a former insurgent stronghold west of Baghdad, The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.Unknown still are the whereabouts of Pvt. Byron Fouty, 19, of Waterford, Mich., and Spc. Alex Jimenez, 25, of Lawrence, Mass., who have been missing since May 12, when they were captured while conducting surveillance, the newspaper reported.A U.S. military statement said one of the men arrested was believed to have orchestrated the kidnappings and to have used his residence to hide the captured .


24-year-old man from Mexico who is a permanent U.S. resident faces deportation because of a felony conviction for menacing and misdemeanor convictions for child abuse and third-degree assault. Greeley authorities have documented his membership in a "violent street gang," ICE said in a release.
The other two, a 67-year-old man and his 33-year-old son, have convictions for sexual assault on minors and are suspected illegal immigrants. The father was convicted of assaulting his 12-year-old daughter in Los Angeles in 1989, according to federal officials.
The arrests were made as part of separate ICE programs aimed at stemming international sex crimes and transnational gangs.

John J. Romano

John J. RomanoPolice said Cortes was going at least 60 mph in a 30 mph zone early Oct. 8, 2006, when his black 1989 Chevy Camaro crashed into a brick-retaining wall on North Avenue and Walnut Street in Elmhurst.
He survived his injuries, but his two passengers died. Miguel Berrios-Hurtado, 26, and his young brother, Carlos, 21, were killed. The men, who lived in Arlington Heights and Hoffman Estates, were restaurant workers with Cortes.

Lee Costi

Lee Costi, a media student, had already enticed and had sex with two girls aged 13 and 14.
Costi, 21, from Haslemere, Surrey, was the first person in the UK to be caught through the Virtual Global Taskforce website, which allows children targeted by sex offenders to report their abusers. He was arrested after arranging to meet his third victim, a 14-year-old, at Nottingham railway station for sex
The court was told earlier that the schoolgirl had been flattered by Costi's attention and wanted to impress her friends with her online relationship. But she eventually told her mother, who tipped off police through the website.

Robert Coleshill

Robert Coleshill, 53, was jailed for six months at Birmingham Crown Court on Friday. A groundbreaking two-year Internet ban was also imposed, after he pleaded guilty to four charges of gross indecency and a further six counts of being in possession of indecent images of children. Coleshill was sentenced under the Criminal Attempts Act, for attempting to take part in an act of gross indecency. Digital evidence was presented of the defendant committing a sexual act in front of a Web cam.
The prohibition of entrapment within UK law has often made it difficult for police officers to catch paedophiles operating in Internet chatrooms. Section 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act states that such methods make police "agent provocateurs" and evidence gathered in this way is inadmissible. Article 6 of the EU Convention on Human Rights also outlaws evidence gathered by entrapment.

150 Computers siezed

Portuguese detectives are trawling through a mountain of child pornography after raiding the homes of 80 suspected paedophiles.
The raid on 75 homes - which involved 80 suspects - was the country's biggest police operation against child exploitation. 150 computers had been seized in the raids, which were carried out across Portugal.

Internet Chartrooms targeted

INTERNET chatrooms run by Skype, the online telephone giant, have become a magnet for paedophiles and sexual predators who want to groom children as young as 10 for sex, an investigation has found.
The software, which enables users to make free phone calls and also “chat” by typing messages while online, has become the preferred method for many paedophiles to find their victims.
Other internet chat facilities have strengthened their child protection measures or closed down entirely because of concerns over internet “grooming”.
Skype, which was bought two years ago by eBay, the online auction site, for £1.3 billion and has nearly 200m users worldwide, has been accused of leaving under16s vulnerable to abuse. It was contacted last week by concerned Metropolitan police child protection officers.

Sex Offenders

website has published the details of five missing offenders, giving their names, ages, photograph and where they have gone missing from, but not the details of their convictions.
The five men named on the website are Alexander Colin Dalgleish, aged 30-35, Gordon Stewart, 25-30, Paul Turner (also known as Paul Francis or Geddes), 50-55, Joshua Karney, 25-30, who also goes by five other names, and Kamil Krawiec, 25-30. "Several paedophile groups are using hacking techniques to break into corporate IT systems and secretly storing their material on their servers," Hynds said. "The companies are unaware that they are, in some cases, hosting pay-per-view pornography," he added.
Hynds declined to go into further details, citing "operational" reasons. But it is likely to be companies where there is a lack of ownership of Web servers and no clear security policy for issues such as patch updates and the monitoring of Web traffic across the network, that are most at risk from this kind of threat.


Roy E. Gerritsen of Shreveport, Louisiana who works as the manager of Red River Radio Network was arrested and charged with one count each of computer aided solicitation of a minor and attempted carnal knowledge of a juvenile, when Roy E. Gerritsen was caught by an undercover officer from Northwest Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force in an internet sting.

Daniel Trader

Daniel Charles Trader of Pocomoke City, Maryland was charged with attempting to exploit a minor and distribution and possession of pornographic material depicting minors when he was caught in an internet sting with an undercover police officer from the Wheaton, Ill., police department.

Andrew Lubrano caught in cybersting

Andrew Lubrano of Centereach, NY has been arrested and charged with attempted endangering the welfare of a child, aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, and operating a motor vehicle with a suspended registration when he was caught in an internet sting.

Kurt Elias

Kurt Elias, 35, pleaded guilty to two counts of unlawful contact with a minor and one count of using the Internet to try to contact a person who was a minor.
Elias sent nude photos of himself to someone who he thought was a 13-year-old girl. The Pennsylvania Attorney General said the person Elias sent the photos to was actually an undercover agent from the state's Child Predator Unit.
Elias was sentenced to six to 12 months in prison and five years probation. As part of his probation, he won't be permitted to access a computer in his home or elsewhere.
District Attorney Bill Caye said if Elias violations a term of probation, the court could sentence him to the maximum penalty of 21 years in prison.

Stephen Marshall

Stephen Marshall aged 20, is alleged to have used the internet and a computer to track his sex offender victims. was being sought in connection with the slayings. He fatally shot himself after Boston police cornered him on a bus, Maine authorities said. The shootings of Joseph Gray, 57, of Milo, and William Elliott, 24, of Corinth, led state police to take down the Maine Sex Offender Registry website as a precaution, state Department of Public Safety spokesman Stephen McCausland said. The site lists the photos, names and addresses of more than 2,200 Sex Offenders.

Anthony Scott Waterman Internet Sex Crime

Anthony Scott Waterman spent a year in jail before reaching a plea agreement with prosecutors.
He will be required to register as a sex offender.
Waterman claimed the victim, 15, told him she was 25 years old and looking for a husband.
Waterman was arrested last November at Honolulu International Airport.

Prostitutes On-line

Everett Police arrested several more suspected prostitutes by using the on-line marketplace craigslist.com.
Earlier this year, responding to citizen complaints, police discovered that the site most often used as portal for anyone to sell anything on-line has become a popular selling vehicle for the world's oldest profession.
Now it has become part of the Everett vice detective's everyday tools for finding and arresting prostitutes. The ads are on Craigslist by the thousands. Listed under "erotic services," listed by city, listed by county -- you can find anything, anyone, and any sexual service you might want.
So officers merely answer the explicit ads the ladies have placed on-line, set up a meeting, and arrest them once an offer of sex-for-money is made.
The first arrest during Wednesday's operation came just after 4 p.m.

Spreading Trojans

Telecoms watchdog OPTA has fined three Dutch firms and their two directors a total of €1m for the illegal distribution of spyware.
It is the first time OPTA has imposed fines for spreading malicious Trojans, and has been called "one of the biggest cases of illegal software crime", by the regulator.
In 2005, the two unnamed businessmen distributed software called DollarRevenue among millions of internet users. Approximately 450 million software files were installed on 22 million computers in the Netherlands and abroad.
The adware application silently downloaded advertising software and installed it to the computer without the user's knowledge. DollarRevenue was also bundled with some ad-supported products and was extremely difficult to remove.
The software was also directly linked to certain botnet attacks, with over 7,700 machines hacked within 24 hours.
DollarRevenue was popular for its high payouts to affiliates on a pay per install basis. It paid 30 cents per install in the USA, 20 cents per install in Canada, 10 cents in the UK, one cent in China, and .02 cents in other countries. OPTA estimates that the trio of companies grossed more than €1m.
Although the directors deny any wrongdoing, OPTA believes the companies deliberately contacted hackers and cybercriminals, often after learning about them on the web. Its biggest partner became InfraDollars.biz, a Russian gang which at one point offered websites $0.06 for each machine they infected with adware and spyware.

Alicia Kozakiewicz says she was just a normal 13-year-old girl. That all changed on New Year's Day 2002. Today, she recounted for Congress how an online sexual predator befriended her in an Internet chat room, then kidnapped her, drove her across state lines and locked her in a cage in his basement, where he beat her, tortured her and raped her.
"I cry inside. I mourn for that child that was me. The child that was stolen from me. Make no mistake -- that child was murdered. I know now that some parts of me are forever there. The child that I was is still chained in that room, still suffering."
Kozakiewicz warned the House Judiciary Committee of the widespread dangers of Internet sex crimes.

French Download Trouble

Internet users in France who frequently download music or films illegally risk losing Web access under a new anti-piracy system unveiled on Friday.
The three-way pact between Internet service providers, the government and owners of film and music rights is a boon to the music industry, which has been calling for such measures to stop illicit downloads eating into its sales.

New Zealand Hacker

New Zealand police were questioning an 18-year-old Hamilton teenager believed to be the mastermind of a worldwide computer hacking gang on Friday, after a joint FBI investigation tracked the kingpin who allegedly helped crack 1.3 million computers and stole millions of dollars from victims' bank accounts.

Corruption site collapse

Chinese government Web site encouraging citizens to report corruption crashed on its first day under the weight of too many hits.
China's National Bureau of Corruption Prevention, formed in September after a string of high-profile scandals involving government officials, launched its official Web site (yfj.mos.gov.cn) on Tuesday.
By the afternoon, the Web site could not be opened, the Beijing Youth Daily said. It quoted an official as saying that the "number of visitors was too large".

Cyber Lover

CyberLover, the piece of software developed in Russia masquerades as a real man or woman who is seeking love online.It is capable of conducting flirtatious conversations with people in chat-rooms and on dating sites as a means of luring vital information from its unwitting victims.According to its creators, it can establish a new relationship online with up to 10 people in just 30 minutes.
Security experts said they were concerned that internet users were being lured into a false sense of security before parting with personal information such as their address and date of birth which can be used to access bank accounts.
They said that the answers to simple questions such as, "Where can I send you a Valentine's Day card?" or "What's your date of birth? I'm planning a surprise for your birthday?" could leave people exposed to identity fraud.

Illegal Gaming

The United States made it illegal in October 2006 for credit card companies to accept charges for online gambling, effectively closing the market to foreign companies. Many are based in Europe, such as 888 Holdings, PartyGaming and Sportingbet Plc.

Internet Fraud

Internet fraud is increasing so quickly that some overwhelmed police forces are refusing to investigate incidents where less than £1,000 has been lost.
The existence of a threshold for such crimes has been exposed by online auction house Ebay, after reports from victims who complained that police failed to act.
The failure to investigate and prosecute offenders was causing the public real harm, Ebay said.

UK lottery scam

Half of all spam involves lottery scams making them one of the fastest growing areas of cyber-crime, according to research commissioned by Microsoft across Germany, Italy, Denmark, the UK and The Netherlands.
The problem is worse in the UK where around 62 per cent of spam emails are lottery scams.
Disturbingly, 16 per cent of those who received 'lottery spam' opened at least some of them, and 10 per cent have replied to one of these emails and 20 per cent admitted to clicking on links inside the emails.

fake websites

40,000 Web sites have been created and populated with fake search terms for the sole purpose of increasing their page ranking when Google users searched for any of the words listed in the bogus pages -- words that included a number of popular holiday gadget gifts. All of the sites tried to silently install invasive programs on any visitor's machine.

Consumer Records

In just one incident last year, data collector ChoicePoint says organized criminals accessed 144,778 consumer records, including credit reports and Social Security numbers. ChoicePoint says it has notified more than 700 people that identity information was compromised.

Shadowcrews 4.000 members

Shadowcrew's 4,000 members, according to the U.S. Secret Service, ran a worldwide marketplace in which 1.5 million credit card numbers, 18 million e-mail accounts, and scores of identification documents—everything from passports to driver's licenses to student IDs—were offered to the highest bidder.


Agents from the Secret Service, operating in tandem with law enforcement officials in Canada, Brazil, Poland, Sweden and several other countries, had been investigating the ShadowCrew crime syndicate for months. The agents couldn't risk giving the cybermobsters time to alert their comrades or delete incriminating data.
The group's Web site, shadowcrew.com, functioned as a sort of identity-theft eBay, a one-stop shop where criminals could buy and sell credit cards, Social Security numbers and mothers' maiden names like used car parts. Over two years, some 4000 ShadowCrew members had amassed two terabytes' worth of other people's lives--18 million e-mail accounts and related personal data--mainly by tricking the victims themselves into giving up their information.
From a central command in Washington, D.C., Secret Service agents relayed the go-ahead to local law enforcement officers in the cooperating countries. "We couldn't yell 'Police!' or they'd be running for their keyboards," says Detective-Constable Mark Fenton of the Vancouver, British Columbia, police department. The carefully coordinated October 2004 bust rounded up 28 suspects around the globe. Many were sitting at their keyboards when the authorities burst in.
Six of the U.S.-based defendants pleaded guilty to credit- and bank-fraud charges in November 2005. How much damage did the group do? "It's a very difficult thing to quantify," says Kimberly Kiefer Peretti, trial attorney with the Department of Justice, "but there are estimates in the hundreds of millions of dollars."

Synthetic Identity Theft

victim of synthetic identity theft. Unlike traditional ID theft, crooks steal your social security number…But tie it to a different name…Creating a new, fictional person.
“It is actually more insidious and more frightening for a victim.”
The thieves open bank accounts and credit cards…Even get jobs …Yet it can take years to uncover…”

Database of Actual Cases

The actual FTC database for its identity theft clearinghouse, where actual cases of someone stealing another person’s identity are reported, recorded 214,905 cases in 2003 and 161,00 in 2002…

odds of becoming I.D.theft victim

The calculated odds of your becoming an identity theft victim are 1 in 465

I.D. theft

Identity theft is Britain's fastest-growing white-collar crime, increasing at nearly 500% a year.
It's a terrible feeling. It's a feeling just like your house has been burgled
John SeaterCar dealerAt that rate, says the banks' fraud avoidance bureau "this type of fraud will become the most serious, with significant financial losses".
Most victims of identity theft are reimbursed by banks for money stolen from them, but they suffer nonetheless.


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