Anuchit Lamlert sentenced to death

A Thai national who murdered two Russian female tourists in a resort 70 miles southeast of Bangkok, in February, has been sentenced to death, a Russian Embassy spokesman in Bangkok said Monday.
Tatiana Tsimfer, 30, and Lyubov Svirkova, 25, were shot dead while sitting on Jomthien beach on the night of February 24 in the popular tourist resort of Pattaya.
Anuchit Lamlert, 24, who confessed in court to having committed the murders, was found guilty of five crimes: murder, attempted armed robbery, illegal possession of a firearm, discharging a weapon in a public place, and using drugs.
Lamlert, who had a previous criminal record for robbing foreigners, said earlier his only goal was to rob the women, but he had to shoot them as they were yelling and screaming.
"The court found the suspect guilty of all charges and sentenced him to death," Alexei Bulkin said.
The spokesman said Lamlert could still appeal his sentence.

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