Roger Reese Kibbe state prisoner suspected of being the "I-5 Strangler" could face the death penalty if he's convicted of six murders committed more t

Roger Reese Kibbe, 68, was arraigned Friday in San Joaquin County on charges he murdered five women in 1986 and a Walnut Creek woman in 1977.He is currently serving a life term at Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga (Fresno County) for strangling a 17-year-old West Sacramento prostitute and leaving her naked body in the mountains south of Lake Tahoe in 1987.Investigators have long said they suspected Kibbe in the other slayings.El Dorado County prosecutors presented some of that evidence at his 1991 trial for Darcie Frackenpohl's murder. The runaway from Seattle was killed after she disappeared from a West Sacramento street frequented by prostitutes.At the time, the state Department of Justice said fibers from nylon rope used by skydivers was among the microscopic evidence linking Kibbe to three of the other slayings. Witnesses alleged Kibbe, who was a skydiver, had a murder kit including handcuffs and scissors.But prosecutors previously said the multiple jurisdictions where the crimes occurred and complications in state law made it difficult to press other charges. California law has since been changed to let one county prosecute crimes from several jurisdictions.Only one of the victims' bodies was dumped in San Joaquin County, but investigators from Sacramento, Napa, Contra Costa and Amador counties all testified before the San Joaquin grand jury that indicted Kibbe on Feb. 25.He faces six counts of murder with special circumstances including rape, kidnapping and multiple murders that make him eligible for the death penalty.According to the indictment and media accounts, Kibbe is charged with the murder of Lou Ellen Burleigh of Walnut Creek in 1977 and five other slayings in 1986:
Stephanie Brown, 19, of Sacramento was sexually assaulted and strangled, her body dumped in a ditch. A crumpled map was found near her car parked along I-5.
Charmaine Sabrah, 26, a mother of three from Sacramento, disappeared after her car broke down along I-5 and she drove off with a strange man who offered to help. Her strangled body was found three months later.
Heedrick, 21, of Modesto, was last seen getting into a car. Her body was found along I-5 five months later.
The other two victims are Katherine Kelly Quinones, 25, and Barbara Ann Scott, 29.
Kibbe is being held without bail for a court appearance Monday.

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