Timothy Cunningham charged at Cork District Court with having more than £3.5 million in cash and cheques

Timothy Cunningham, 59, was charged at Cork District Court with having more than £3.5 million in cash and cheques from the audacious heist in Belfast, in December 2004.
The moneylender, known as Ted, from Farran, in Co Cork, was charged with trying to launder the money by disposing of it through friends and business associates.
The charges follow a massive cross-border police investigation lasting more than three years, which involved anti- terrorist units, fraud squads and the republic's dedicated Criminal Assets Bureau.Cunningham was accused of having £3.5 million in cash, 200,000 (£155,000) in cheques and three cars, all related to the bank robbery.
He was first arrested in February 2005 and questioned for two days after Irish detectives running Operation Phoenix raided his home and seized sackloads of cash.
A series of other searches in counties across Ireland recovered thousands more in cash as well as cheques allegedly linked to the businessman.Cunningham was arrested at his home yesterday and taken to a police station in Cork before his court appearance.The court heard he had made no reply when the charges were put to him.
One charge alleges he gave a cheque for 56,000 (£43,000) from the heist to his son, Timothy Junior.

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