Danny Davidson,58, a businessman of Brown's Town, St Ann is accused of smuggling millions of dollars worth of cocaine and ganja into the United States

Danny Davidson,58, a businessman of Brown's Town, St Ann is accused of smuggling millions of dollars worth of cocaine and ganja into the United States.He was nabbed last week by members of the Fugitive Apprehension Team.US prosecutors claimed the Jamaican was a member of the Ayala Serna drug smuggling organisation which has been smuggling tons of cocaine and ganja from Colombia through Jamaica and the Bahamas into the United States.Mr. Davidson who was indicted in December 2005 is facing more than 30 counts of conspiracy to import cocaine and ganja into Florida.He's also facing multiple counts of money laundering.The US DEA claimed that on June 15, 2005, Mr. Davidson arranged a shipment of 700 pounds of ganja into Florida.On September 23, 2005 he arranged a shipment of 180 kilograms of cocaine into Plantation, Florida.
A few days later he arranged another shipment of 120 kilograms of cocaine into Florida.US prosecutors say they have the Jamaican on tape making arrangements to import multi-million dollar shipments of narcotics to the US.He's also accused of selling dope to undercover DEA agents.

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